Win, Lose or Love

As recently and young unmarried parents, Clara and Alex have just two very different styles of parenting. While helicopter mum Clara hovers on her son Oliver, Alex’s daughter Emma stands out of touch with her dad’s life. Both worlds collide once Alex suggests his advertising company take a commercial at the kids’ school and Claraup for elections as the parent’s band president, items the concept. The firm will be Alex’s last hope for keeping the business afloat, therefore at a moment of despair, ” he nominates himself to get parent band president. In a sudden turn of events, Clara and also Alex tie president and has to interact to conduct the group before falsified re-vote. The sour rivals fight for power, out-foxing each additional chance they get, before thing of increasing their kids puts matters in perspective. Clara and Alex arrived at a mutual knowledge and even provoke a spark of love.

Duration: 90 min


IMDb: 5.9