
The thriving performer and play boy Juan is just a notorious seducer of women, through his capacity to function as what exactly a woman dreams of: Blond, charismatic, strong, sensitive, sensual. Inspired by way of a restless desire to conquer new ladies, utilize themand throw them away, he’s hired his friend Leporello to help make a master piece: A filmed record of the ladies whose fantasies Juan has destroyed. We follow Juan and Leporello during 24 compacted hours. Juan seduces the young upper class girl Anna, however, ultimately ends up inadvertently killing her daddy, a robust police commissioner. Both friends run off, however Juan’s constant requirement to exude new girls keeps interrupting their trip. As the authorities gains in to these, Juan additionally steals the youthful bride Zerlina in the apparel Masetto, and shortly a frenzied man hunt is searching for Juan.

Duration: 105 min


IMDb: 5.9