Bugs Bunny’s 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales

If Bugs Bunny was to guide his signature question –“What’s up, doc?”–toward the modern day Warner Bros. artistic team, he wouldn’t be away. For 1001 Rabbit Tales, they have doctored up a heap of conventional animations that contains the carrot muncher along with his left handed comrades and sprinkled themclose to right into a feature-length film. Here is the assumption: Bugs and Daffy, every e-book salesmen, are still competing to market likely the most duplicates of a kids’ e-book. As a replacement for burrowing a beeline into his gross earnings land (he should have left a left at Albuquerque), Bugs leads to the fort of Yosemite Sam, shortly here a harem-leading honcho. Sam’s pain-in-the-spurs kid, Prince Abalaba, needs anybody to learn his stories; Bugs, who would sooner take the task than suffer the decision, that between being boiled in oil, indications on.

Duration: 74 min


IMDb: 7.1